EV Nova
Side Missions Walkthrough
Cunjo Hunt 1a (834): Go On Cunjo Hunt |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Hourglass (187) in Horizon (161) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 25%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 2 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You are sitting quietly enjoying a cold drink, when the man beside you turns and starts up a conversation. The space {G"jock" "chick"} lifestyle is a fairly lonely one, with months between seeing old friends, and you are more than happy to chat away for a while with him. It turns out that he is an Auroran living in Federation space. When he told you, you looked at him somewhat skeptically, but once he explained that he was watched by the government very carefully, and had to log all his travel and movements, you can see that this might be possible. Charengo has been living in Fed space since his House cast him out. Your limited knowledge of the Auroran lifestyle gives you enough of an idea not to question him further; these things are always a matter of honor, and best left alone.
During the course of the night it becomes apparent that Charengo is something of an entrepreneur, and has organized for a number of Federation citizens to go to Hourglass and hunt the dreaded Cunjo. He has a number of expatriate Auroran warriors to act as guides, and enough weapons to destroy a small Federation battle group. He has run a number of successful hunts, but has run into a snag. His regular pilot was killed when a Cunjo ripped him to pieces. So now he has a party ready to leave, but no one to get them there.
Suddenly, a light comes to his eyes, and you can all but see a light bulb appear next to him. "Say," he asks, "what are you doing tomorrow? Do you feel up to ferrying us to Hourglass and dropping us off back at Earth? It won't be too dangerous, the Cunjos aren't mating at the moment."
You look at him in a mixture of disbelief. You have never seen a Cunjo, but you really don't want to.
Charengo sees your expression, smiles and leans closer, "There is big money in this. If you do it for me, I'll always be in your debt. And I'll pay you 75,000. You won't have to go on surface for very long, and you won't even have to leave your ship. Even in mating season, Cunjo can't tear through metal."
What do you say?
AvailBits: !(b7786 | (b423 | b424)) & !(b8338 | b8339)
OnAccept: b8338
OnRefuse: b7786 b6666
OnSuccess: b7787 b7786
OnAbort: b7786 !b8338
OnShipDone: |
Cunjo Hunt 1b (835): Go On Cunjo Hunt |
Available from: Hourglass (187) in Horizon (161)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 2 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 75000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
Charengo has just spent an hour guiding you to a well used landing site. All around there is dense forest, and the undergrowth is just starting to cover a huge number of deep craters. You set down, and the sensors are going wild. As soon as you do, Charengo and his team leap out of the hatch, brandishing their weapons with gusto. Behind them come the clients, three looking like they should be wearing brown underpants, the fourth eyeing the undergrowth intently. You cycle the hatch closed and watch. A Cunjo suddenly breaks from the undergrowth, flying through the air to attack one of Charengo's men. At least it would have, if a rocket hadn't plowed into its chest before detonating the beast into a rapidly expanding pink vapor cloud. The public servants leap to the ground, pointing their weapons in every direction at once.
Charengo lays about with a continuous laser, and in the space of a few minutes the clearing you landed in is three times the size. His men set up the mines and sentry lasers, and the camp takes shape.
You stayed on Hourglass for four days. The public servants never fired their weapons, but still had some "very manly" holoshots taken with killed Cunjos. The fourth client made some kills on his own, but they all looked on in disbelief when Charengo and the guides explained that in the Auroran Empire, warriors hunt Cunjo with hand to hand weapons. All too soon, you have packed up and are heading home.
AvailBits: b7787 & !(b7788 | (b423 | b424))
OnSuccess: b7788
OnAbort: b7788
OnShipDone: |
Cunjo Hunt 2a (906): Go On Cunjo Hunt |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Hourglass (187) in Horizon (161) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 5%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 2 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You are sitting quietly enjoying a cold drink, when the man beside you turns and starts up a conversation. The space {G"jock" "chick"} lifestyle is a fairly lonely one, with months between seeing old friends, and you are more than happy to chat away for a while with him. It turns out that he is an Auroran living in Federation space. When he told you, you looked at him somewhat skeptically, but once he explained that he was watched by the government very carefully, and had to log all his travel and movements, you can see that this might be possible. Charengo has been living in Fed space since his House cast him out. Your limited knowledge of the Auroran lifestyle gives you enough of an idea not to question him further; these things are always a matter of honor, and best left alone.
During the course of the night it becomes apparent that Charengo is something of an entrepreneur, and has organized for a number of Federation citizens to go to Hourglass and hunt the dreaded Cunjo. He has a number of expatriate Auroran warriors to act as guides, and enough weapons to destroy a small Federation battle group. He has run a number of successful hunts, but has run into a snag. His regular pilot was killed when a Cunjo ripped him to pieces. So now he has a party ready to leave, but no one to get them there.
Suddenly, a light comes to his eyes, and you can all but see a light bulb appear next to him. "Say," he asks, "what are you doing tomorrow? Do you feel up to ferrying us to Hourglass and dropping us off back at Earth? It might be a little risky. Lately, it seems the Cunjo population has increased, and a number of them have been mating at erratic times. However, we have plenty of weapons, so if it gets too hairy, you'll be well covered by me and my team."
You look at him in a mixture of disbelief. You have never seen a Cunjo, but you really don't want to.
Charengo sees your expression, smiles and leans closer, "There is big money in this. If you do it for me, I'll always be in your debt. And I'll pay you 75,000. You won't have to go on surface for very long, and you won't even have to leave your ship. Even in mating season, Cunjo can't tear through metal."
What do you say?
AvailBits: !(b7786 | (b423 | b424)) & !(b8338 | b8339)
OnAccept: b8338
OnRefuse: b7786 b6666
OnSuccess: b7786 b7878
OnAbort: b7786 !b8338
OnShipDone: |
Cunjo Hunt 2b (907): Go On Cunjo Hunt |
Available from: Hourglass (187) in Horizon (161)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 2 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 75000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: Successful completion of this mission grants the "Cunjo Hunter" rank. |
Offer Text
Charengo has just spent an hour guiding you to a well used landing site. All around there is dense forest, and the undergrowth is just starting to cover a huge number of deep craters. You set down, and the sensors are going wild. As soon as you do, Charengo and his team leap out of the hatch, brandishing their weapons with gusto. Behind them come the clients, three looking like they should be wearing brown underpants, the fourth eyeing the undergrowth intently. You cycle the hatch closed and watch. A Cunjo suddenly breaks from the undergrowth, flying through the air to attack one of Charengo's men. At least it would have, if a rocket hadn't plowed into its chest before detonating the beast into a rapidly expanding pink vapor cloud. The public servants leap to the ground, pointing their weapons in every direction at once.
Charengo lays about with a continuous laser, and in the space of a few minutes the clearing you landed in is three times the size. His men set up the mines and sentry lasers, and the camp takes shape.
You decide that you might try this game for yourself, seeing as you are here. You check your blaster, and hail Charengo to tell him you are coming down for a look.
No sooner have you stepped outside the hatch than the surrounding forest comes alive with the sounds of Cunjos calling to each other.
"Look out!" Charengo yells. "The Cunjo are going to rush through here! Seems like our safe landing site has become a mating ground!"
You haul your blaster from its holster, trying to look everywhere at once. The underbrush erupts, and around 10 Cunjo burst from the foliage. You leap to the side, snapping off blaster bolts at the first Cunjo you see. It moves faster than you have ever seen anything move, but enough of your fire hits it to put it down. A sudden premonition of doom sweeps through you, and you spin to see a Cunjo scant feet from you. It pounces forward, stabbing its long claws into your arms. You gasp in pain as its claws bite deep, and the Cunjo roars into your face. It's fetid breath makes your head swim, but you manage to keep your wits about you enough to raise your blaster and blow its head off. You collapse, and through a deepening haze see Charengo run towards you, blasting from the hip. Then, blackness...
You stay on Hourglass for four days, recovering enough from your wounds to pilot the ship back. Charengo is glad to take off as soon as you are able. Apparently this trip was hotter than was originally expected. The public servants never fired their weapons, but still had some 'very manly' holoshots taken with killed Cunjos. The fourth client made some kills on his own, but they all looked on in disbelief when Charengo and the guides explained that in the Auroran Empire, warriors hunt Cunjo with hand to hand weapons. All too soon, you have packed up and are heading home.
AvailBits: b7878 & !(b7879 | (b423 | b424))
OnSuccess: b7879 b7880 K151
OnAbort: b7879
OnShipDone: |
Escort Band 1 (828): Escort Rock Group |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Cornwall (218) in South Manchester (198) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 25%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 15 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You are sitting in the bar, listening to the abysmal music blaring from a nearby juke-bot and sipping your latest brew when you notice a strangely dressed man walking towards you.
"Hey {G"dude" "babe"}, you must be [Player Name]! You mind if I call you [Player Nickname]?" Without asking he sits down at your table and looks about. You are wondering what this is all about when he suddenly turns back to you, saying, "Man, I have no idea how you people ever do business in places like this. I mean, look at the types here. They don't even have any dress sense, man. Kinda makes you feel sorry for them."
You look at the bizarre collection of bright colors, odd cuts and stupid fabric that make up what this individual calls clothing, and raise your eyebrow.
"Yeah, right {G "man" "babe"}, sorry," the man shrugs, "I should get down to the real deal. My name is Sly Styles, rock and roll entrepreneur and manager of the hottest band in Federation space, Debris Field. We have a major tour on, but the guy who was handling our security has gone and gotten himself splattered by pirates. Now, we only have two shows left on the tour, but the hardest part is that they're at the extremes of Federation controlled space. We could lose huge amounts of flash if we have to pull out," he notices the bemused look on your face, and pauses.
"Flash?" you ask him.
"Yeah, you know, Scrunner, Flash...Moolah, credits."
You nod your understanding, saying "So you want me to handle your security for the rest of the tour?"
"Yeah, rock on, {G"man" "babe"}! Our old security dude said you were on the sharp end of the Electrotrancer, and I see he was right. That's exactly what we want you to do. It's only two more gigs and then easy days. We'll pay you 50,000 per gig. For that we need to get to the shows on time, have somewhere to stow all the gear, the band, myself and the other stuff. Our spacies are already there setting up the major gear, so all you need to worry about are the instruments and stuff. What do you say?"
AvailBits: !((b7777 | b7778) | (b423 | b424)) & !(b8338 | b8339)
OnAccept: b8338
OnRefuse: b7777 b6666
OnSuccess: b7778
OnAbort: b7777 !b8338
OnShipDone: |
Escort Band 2 (829): Escort Rock Group |
Available from: Cornwall (218) in South Manchester (198)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Syracuse (177) in Galvan (151) |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 15 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You stand around at the Debris Field Concert, watching hordes of teenage girls scream at them. The concert is to promote the band's new album, "Groove 'til You Vomit", and you don't think that you would have to groove too long before you'd bring up your lunch.
The concert goes without a hitch, but afterwards, as you wait for the band to come back to the ship, you see a number of unsavory types hanging around. You get the impression that they are waiting for the band to board the ship, and then tell their friends aloft which ship was carrying the band. You feel like telling them that if they want to kill them, you won't interfere, just so long as the thugs can guarantee that there won't be a memorial album, but a job is a job.
You watch as the thugs disappear, but you get the feeling that you will have some rumbles on your way to the next gig, on the planet of [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system.
AvailBits: b7778 & !(b7779 | (b424 | b423))
OnSuccess: b7779
OnAbort: b7779
OnShipDone: |
Gli-tech 1 (549): Gli-tech Delivery |
Available from: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197)
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Outfitter
Random: 75%
Legal Record: 1
Combat Rating: 50
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: 40 days
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 20000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As you move around, browsing through the various possible outfits on offer, a tall slim woman with long dark hair wearing a GLi-tech uniform comes over to you.
"Are you Captain [Player Name], pilot of the [Ship Name]?" she asks in a very feminine voice, and you nod. "I'm Sharon Masterton, manager of engineering services here at GLi-tech, and I was wondering if you were prepared to get some parts for us?"
AvailBits: !(b26 | b424)
OnSuccess: b26
OnShipDone: |
Gli-tech 2 (550): Gli-tech Delivery |
Available from: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197)
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 60%
Legal Record: 2
Combat Rating: 2
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: 25 days
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 20000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text To: [Player Name]
From: Sharon Masterton
We need another delivery of [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] by [Time Limit]. Currently the [Cargo Type] in question are in storage on [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system.
AvailBits: b26 & !b424
OnShipDone: |
Gli-tech 3 (551): Test Polaron Cannon |
Available from: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197) |
Ship Location: Naka (164) |
Ship Goal: Destroy |
Location: Outfitter
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 2
Combat Rating: 250
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
When you walk into the ship outfitting area you quickly spy the dark hair and formal suit of Sharon Masterton as she sits at a table near one of the corners of the large room and you decide to go over and say hello.
"I'm glad you dropped by," she tells you in a professional tone, "we need someone to do a few final field tests of a weapon before we start selling it to the Federation Navy. The nature of the tests isn't entirely legal, and until you complete the mission you will be under a fair amount of danger so don't say yes if you're a little squeamish."
AvailBits: b26 & !(b27 | b424)
OnAccept: G147
OnSuccess: b27
OnShipDone: |
Gli-tech 4 (552): Test EW Missile |
Available from: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197) |
Ship Location: Naka (164) |
Ship Goal: Destroy |
Location: Outfitter
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 2
Combat Rating: 500
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As you browse through the many ship outfits on offer you see the slim figure and dark hair of Sharon Masterton walk into the room and you wave her over.
"I need another weapon tested," she tells you in a professional tone. "It's the same deal as last time - we need someone to do a few final field tests of a weapon before we start selling it to the Federation Navy. Again, this test isn't entirely legal and it is quite dangerous so don't say yes if you don't think you're up to it."
AvailBits: b27 & !(b29 | b424)
OnAccept: b28 G140 G141 G141 G141 G141 G141
OnSuccess: b29
OnAbort: !b28
OnShipDone: |
Gli-tech 5 (553): Photograph Wraith Cannon |
Available from: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197)
Travel to: Nil'a Mjolnir (220) in Mjolnir (206)
Return to: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197) |
Ship Location: Travel Sÿst |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Outfitter
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 2
Combat Rating: 2000
Ship Type: Any Cargo: 1 ton |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 500000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As you browse through the many ship outfits on offer you see the slim figure and dark hair of Sharon Masterton walk into the room and you wave her over.
"I have a very dangerous mission for you," she tells you tone that implies that she means business. "We want to look at developing a weapon currently only held by a foreign government. What you will be doing will be highly illegal, and you are likely to be killed if you are caught. Are you in?"
AvailBits: b29 & !(b30 | b424)
OnSuccess: b30
OnShipDone: |
Gli-tech 6 (554): Test Wraith Cannon |
Available from: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: GLi-Tech-nia (216) in Rimshot (197) |
Ship Location: Naka (164) |
Ship Goal: Destroy |
Location: Outfitter
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 2
Combat Rating: 3000
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
When you walk into the ship outfitting area you quickly spy the dark hair and formal suit of Sharon Masterton as she sits at a table near one of the corners of the large room and you decide to go over and say hello.
"Good to see you, Captain [Player Name]," she says smiling warmly. "I'm glad you stopped by. We've just finished work on the Wraith Cannon, and we need someone to do the usual final testing for us. Are you interested?"
AvailBits: b30 & !(b32 | b424)
OnAccept: b31 G254 G255 G255 G255 G255 G255 G255 G255 G255 G255 G255
OnSuccess: b32
OnAbort: !b31
OnShipDone: |
Gli-tech 7 (597): Test RAGE Gunboat |
Available from: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: Barnard's Star (174) |
Ship Goal: Disable |
Location: Bar
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 20
Combat Rating: 400 Ship Type: Any Non-cargo
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 100000
Comp Govt.: Bureau (153)
Comp Legal Reward: 10 |
Notes: Must have completed Federation 34 for this mission to be available. |
Offer Text
When you walk into the bar you are mildly surprised to see Sharon Masterton chatting with Commander Krane at a table near the rear of the establishment. Krane notices you and waves you over.
"I understand that you two have been working together," states Commander Krane in a business-like tone and both you and Ms. Masterton nod. "Well, Captain [Player Name], I want you to work with her again. She has been working closely with the Federation Navy in developing a new type of ship. I'll let her tell you the details."
"This is a simple testing mission," Sharon begins smoothly, "except that we are going to be testing the 'RAGE Gunboat' as we call it against you. You will be paid 100000 credits for your efforts, are you interested?"
AvailBits: (b80 & b32) & !(b3050 | b1000)
OnRefuse: b1000 G348
OnSuccess: b3050 b1000
OnFailure: b1000
OnShipDone: |
Launch Probe 1 (830): Launch Exploration Probe |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Kont (315) in Kontik (285)
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: Travel Sÿst |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 25%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 5 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You are sitting enjoying a few moments of peace and quiet when you see a gaggle of what you presume to be scientists headed your way. You can tell this by the nervous looks and constant checking over the shoulder routine.
"Ah, are you [Player Name] of the [Ship Name]?" one of them asks as they get closer. You nod, and indicate that they should all sit down.
"Pleased to meet you," the designated spokesman begins. "My name is Jerry O'Donnell, and my colleagues and I are keen to employ you."
You wait, wondering if any of these people have ever been outside a lab in recent memory.
"We are studying the possibility of further systems beyond the Known Universe to the Galactic South, and are planning a probe launch in the space down there. However, we are unable to pilot a vessel down to our launch point ourselves. Is it possible, for a modest reimbursement, that you could take us there?"
You sit back, enjoying the thought of making them sweat a little.
"Two things," you say. "Where's the launch point and how much to get you there?"
"Well," a very nervous Jerry begins, looking over his shoulder, "we need to launch from the Kontik system, and second, we will be happy to pay you 50,000 for the trouble of getting us there. What do you say?"
You've heard all the stories about Kontik, and about how no one ever comes back alive from trying to study the place. On the other hand, 50,000 is 50,000.
AvailBits: !(b7780 | b7781) & !((b8338 | b8339) | (b423 |b424))
OnAccept: b8338
OnRefuse: b7780 b6666
OnSuccess: b7781
OnAbort: b7780 !b8338
OnShipDone: |
Sigma 1 (555): Sigma Shipyards Delivery |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: Kolan (202) in Sanddown (178)
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Shipyard
Random: 60%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 10
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 20000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: Successful completion of this mission grants access to Sigma outfits and ships. |
Offer Text
As you wander through the shipyard looking at all the ships awaiting a prospective buyer, a man wearing an expensive tailored business suit comes over and extends his hand.
"Are you [Player Name], Captain of the [Ship Name]?" he asks quietly as you shake and you nod warily. "Excellent, I am Rodney Andrews, manager of shipping liaison for Sigma Shipyards. Ever since Donald Chick disappeared some months ago we have had a problem gaining the services of freighter pilots to bring in our supplies. Would you be willing to work for us?"
AvailBits: !(b424 | (b33 | b149)) & !(b6300 | b6302)
OnSuccess: b33
OnShipDone: |
Sigma 2 (556): Sigma Shipyards Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 75%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 20000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: Repeating mission. |
Offer Text
To: [Player Name]
From: Sigma Shipyards
We need another delivery of [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] which is in storage on [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system. Once you have collected the cargo, deliver it to the section of the Kane Band owned by Sigma Shipyards.
AvailBits: b33 & !(b424 | b46)
OnShipDone: |
Sigma 2a (557-564): Bulk Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb or Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb or Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöb |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 35% - 75%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 600 tons ± 50% |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 75000 - 125000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: Repeating mission. Requires Bulk capable cargo vessel. |
Offer Text
To: [Player Name]
From: Sigma Shipyards
We have been contacted to conduct a bulk delivery of [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] which need to be taken to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system. If you are interested payment is 75000 credits.
OnShipDone: |
Sigma 2b (565-568): Large Bulk Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb or Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb or Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöb |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 22% - 45%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 2500 tons ± 50% |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 250000 - 375000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: Repeating mission. Requires Large Bulk capable cargo vessel. |
Offer Text
To: [Player Name]
From: Sigma Shipyards
We have been contacted to conduct a large bulk delivery of [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] which need to be taken to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system. If you are interested payment is 250000 credits.
OnShipDone: |
Sigma 3 (897): Sigma Shipyards Delivery |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: Kont (315) in Kontik (285)
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: Travel Sÿst |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Shipyard
Random: 60%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 100
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 20 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 250000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As you look around the various vessels on offer you are tapped on the shoulder and turn around to see Rodney, the Sigma Shipyards representative.
"I have a mission of some urgency for you," he begins, quite seriously. "It involves travelling across most of the known galaxy, picking up a cargo that isn't strictly legal, and returning here.
"Before you answer," he raises his hand to forestall your reply, "be aware that you may well come under intense fire in a place far from where we will be able to help you, but also be aware that if we cannot trust you to take this mission, we cannot trust you with any of our more sensitive corporate secrets.
"Are you up for it?"
AvailBits: (b34 & !(b46 | b47)) & !(b149 | b424)
OnRefuse: b46
OnSuccess: b47
OnFailure: b46
OnAbort: b46
OnShipDone: |
Sigma 2c (569-574): Charter Flight |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb or Random Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb or Random Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöb |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 35% - 75%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 60 tons ± 50% |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000 - 100000
Comp Govt.: Various (See Notes)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 - 4 |
Notes: Repeating mission. Requires a Charter capable vessel. The Compensation Government for these missions is based on the "Available from" location. |
Offer Text To: [Player Name]
From: Travel Agent
We have [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] waiting to be taken to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system. If you are interested payment is 50000 credits when they arrive at their destination.
OnShipDone: |
Sigma 4 (898): Deliver New Hypergate Code |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Rebel II (421) in Koria (483) |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Shipyard
Random: 60%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 100
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 250000
Comp Govt.: Federation (128)
Comp Legal Reward: -10 |
Notes: Accepting this mission grants access to the Hypergate system. |
Offer Text
Almost as soon as you enter the shipyard you run into Rodney, the Sigma Shipyards representative.
"I'm glad you stopped by," he begins, very seriously. "I have a mission of the utmost secrecy for you. I can't really tell you any of the details, but if you do accept, it might be some time before you can return here.
"Are you up for it?"
AvailBits: (b48 & !b46) & !(b424 | b49)
OnAccept: k147 S899 S900
OnRefuse: b46
OnSuccess: b49 A899 A900
OnFailure: b46 A899 A900
OnAbort: b46 A899 A900
OnShipDone: |
Temmin Shard 1 (831): Escort Temmin Shard |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Boral I (167) in Arcturus (138) |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: Escort |
Location: Bar
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 200
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You are sitting in the bar, considering if you should have another drink, or go and tear apart your drives to remove an annoying rattle, when you notice a mysterious looking man walk towards your table.
"Sorry to bother you, [Player Name]," the man says by way of introduction. "My name is Temmin Shard... investigator. I was wondering if I could have a word to you?"
Your hand drifts towards your blaster in an almost instinctive move. Something about this man isn't quite right. He strikes you as being a dangerous individual.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he warns, pushing his jacket open to reveal a modified shot blaster. "I have an investigators license. Legally, I could kill you and not see the inside of a prison hulk."
You place your hands on the tabletop as Shard steps forward and sits down.
"I'm glad you didn't decide to test me, [Player Name]. I'm here to hire you, not to have a fire-fight. I have been hired by the Federal government to track down some stolen Vell-os artworks. They were stolen from the First Federal Gallery and Museum on Sol. The Feds have hired me to track them down and return them intact. Apparently they are supposed to have some form of 'mystical' symbolism to the Vell-os people. The Government have of course debunked this notion, but by the same token, they are paying handsomely for their return."
"Well, what do you need me for?" you ask "You can obviously look after yourself."
"The thing is that I need another ship to go with me," he confides. "I have traced the artworks to a certain cargo convoy. They have quite an escort, and I need you to disable the Leviathan and board it while I hold them off. I will pay you 30,000 for your services. Are you keen?"
AvailBits: !(b7782 | b7783) & !(b511 | (b423 | b424))
OnRefuse: b7782
OnSuccess: b7783
OnAbort: b7782
OnShipDone: |
Temmin Shard 2 (832): Recover Stolen Art |
Available from: Boral I (167) in Arcturus (138)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: LPAD (190) in Tidbinbilla (165) |
Ship Location: Initial Sÿst |
Ship Goal: Board |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 20
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 2 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 30000
Comp Govt.: Family Heraan (135)
Comp Legal Reward: 10 |
Notes: Accepting this mission spawns a sub-mission which creates a special escort ship. That ship must survive for this mission to be successful. |
Offer Text
You spend a half hour waiting, before a message beeps on your wristcomp. You quickly run your decoder over it and scan the message. Shard wants you to take off straight away, and meet him 'up top'. The message ends with a cryptic question, asking if you are really sure if you are ready to take on this job. You wonder what is going on. You resolve to ask Shard the first chance you get. But then, should you just message back that you have engine problems and decline to help him?
Do you take on the mission?
AvailBits: b7783 & !(b7784 | b7785)
OnAccept: S833
OnRefuse: b7784
OnSuccess: b7785
OnFailure: b7784
OnAbort: b7784 A833
OnShipDone: |
Terraforming 1 (539): Take Terraforming Team to Misfire |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Misfire (211) in Trishka (189) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 30%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 25000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
Just as you sit down you see a group made up of two men and a woman, all with the soft, pallid look of scientists, walk into the bar. As soon as one of them spots you they all look in your direction and make their way over.
"Are you [Player Name], captain of the [Ship Name]?" asks one of the men, and when you nod in confirmation they all grin. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm David Rengel, and these are my associates Fiona Jeffrey and Mike Robbins. We are members of a scientific team in the employ of the Nirvana Terraforming and Stellar Engineering company, perhaps you have heard of it?"
When you shake your head slowly, they look momentarily crestfallen.
"Oh well, it is a new field of endeavor," David continues, recovering. "We are looking to start a new project and need someone to help us set up our base camp and you came highly recommended. Are you interested?"
AvailBits: (!b17 & b9998) & !(b424 | b6666)
OnRefuse: b9998
OnSuccess: b17
OnShipDone: |
Terraforming 1a (540): Equipment Delivery |
Available from: Misfire (211) in Trishka (189)
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: Misfire (211) in Trishka (189) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 25%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 25000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As soon as you enter the bar you recognize the pallid skin of David Rengel sitting at a table not far from the door and you decide to make your way over.
"Captain [Player Name]!" he exclaims happily when he sees you. "Just the person I was looking for. My team and I need some more equipment so that we can continue our research, could you help us out?
AvailBits: b17 & !(b18 | b424)
OnShipDone: |
Terraforming 2 (541): Take Team to UHP-1002 |
Available from: Misfire (211) in Trishka (189)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: UHP-1002 (174) in Procyon (147) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 65%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 15 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 25000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You see a waving hand out of the corner of your eye when you walk in and you turn to see the smiling face of David Rengel beaming at you from a couple of tables away.
"I'm glad you dropped by," he tells you sincerely, "as we need to head out to our operations base to supervise the terraforming first-hand. And since you're about the only freighter captain I trust, I would really appreciate it if you could help us out again, if that's okay with you?"
AvailBits: (b35 & b17) & !(b18 | b424)
OnSuccess: b18
OnShipDone: |
Terraforming 3 (542): Equipment Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: UHP-1002 (515) in Procyon (1126) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 25000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text To: [Player Name]
From: David Rengel
We need some more [Cargo Type] to continue our work. It should only add up to around [Cargo Quantity] tons total and the pay will be the usual 25000 credits. Could you head over to [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system to pick it up?
AvailBits: (b36 & b18) & !(b19 | b424)
OnSuccess: b19
OnShipDone: |
Terraforming 4 (543): Equipment Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: UHP-1002 (516) in Procyon (1125) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 25000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text To: [Player Name]
From: David Rengel
We need some more [Cargo Type] to continue our work. It should only add up to around [Cargo Quantity] tons total and the pay will be the usual 25000 credits. Could you head over to [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system to pick it up?
AvailBits: (b37 & b19) & !(b20 | b424)
OnSuccess: b20
OnShipDone: |
Terraforming 5 (544): Equipment Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: UHP-1002 (516) in Procyon (1125) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 25000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text To: [Player Name]
From: David Rengel
We need some more [Cargo Type] to continue our work. It should only add up to around [Cargo Quantity] tons total and the pay will be the usual 25000 credits. Could you head over to [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system to pick it up?
AvailBits: (b38 & b20) & !(b21 | b424)
OnSuccess: b21
OnShipDone: |
Terraforming 6 (545): Equipment Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: UHP-1002 (516) in Procyon (1125) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 25000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text To: [Player Name]
From: David Rengel
We need some more [Cargo Type] to continue our work. It should only add up to around [Cargo Quantity] tons total and the pay will be the usual 25000 credits. Could you head over to [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system to pick it up?
AvailBits: (b39 & b21) & !(b22 | b424)
OnSuccess: b22
OnShipDone: |
Terraforming 7 (546): Equipment Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: UHP-1002 (517) in Procyon (1124) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 25000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text To: [Player Name]
From: David Rengel
We need some more [Cargo Type] to continue our work. It should only add up to around [Cargo Quantity] tons total and the pay will be the usual 25000 credits. Could you head over to [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system to pick it up?
AvailBits: (b40 & b22) & !(b23 | b424)
OnSuccess: b23
OnShipDone: |
Terraforming 8 (547): Transport Colonists |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Nirvana (1420) in Procyon (1127) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 100000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text To: [Player Name]
From: David Rengel
Our work is finished, and the first boatload of colonists is ready. Would you like to pick them up and come see the final product? If you do head over to the Deliveries Office and they'll organize everything.
AvailBits: (b41 & b23) & !(b24 | b424)
OnAccept: b25
OnSuccess: b24
OnAbort: !b25
OnShipDone: |
Terraforming 8a (548): Transport Colonists |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Nirvana (1420) in Procyon (1127) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 10 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 75000
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: Repeating mission. |
Offer Text
To: [Player Name]
From: Nirvana Terraforming <Pty Ltd>
We have another load of colonists awaiting travel to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system. The pay will be 75000 credits. If you're interested the Deliveries Office will be able to get you in touch with them.
AvailBits: b24 & ! B424
OnShipDone: |
Tutorial 1 (251): Head to Sol |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 0 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As you wander around a spaceport for the first time as a fully fledged ship's captain, a weather-beaten man, in his early fifties by the look of him, comes over.
"You look a little lost, {G"m'boy" "lass"}," he drawls in a gravelly voice, "you look like I did when I had just taken my first flight as a ship captain. Mind you, that was nearly thirty years ago, but I never forgot that day. 'Tis a grand feeling being a captain of a starship, and that first landfall is something you'll never forget."
You smile and admit that you have indeed just made your maiden voyage, and he slaps you on the shoulder with a wide grin.
"Congratulations, {G"son" "m'dear"}," he says, shaking your hand with genuine regard before stepping back and looking at you with an almost calculating look on his face. "When I first made landfall, I remember running into a guy by the name of Gary, and he was just looking to settle down after plying the spaceways for a few decades. In exchange for passage he showed me the ropes, and how to get started in this crazy universe of ours.
"Well, I guess what comes around goes around," he smiles, nodding at you, "so I guess I'll make the same offer to you. What do you say?"
AvailBits: !(b9200 | b9215)
OnAccept: b8339 X130
OnRefuse: b9215
OnSuccess: b9200
OnAbort: !b8339
OnShipDone: |
Tutorial 2 (630): Trade between Earth and Port Kane |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Port Kane (137) in Kania (128) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Trading Center
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 0 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
"This is the lifeblood of our civilization," drawls Barry as you walk around the warehouse. "It is here that most fortunes are made, and more than a few are lost. It's not very exciting, but it can be lucrative if you stick to it for long enough.
"You see," he explains in his gravelly voice, "some places have high prices for certain things, and others have low values for them. Different places have different values. You make money by buying low and selling high. Sometimes you can even buy medium and sell high, or buy low and sell medium, but, obviously, the profit margins will be lower. Over time you will start to identify trade runs.
"To give you a head start," he continues with a quiet dry smile, "I'll show you a couple of easy runs that should get you started, what do you say?"
AvailBits: b9200 & !(b9201 | b9215)
OnAccept: X128
OnRefuse: b9215 S758
OnSuccess: b9201
OnAbort: b9215 S758
OnShipDone: |
Tutorial 3 (631): Trade between Port Kane and New England |
Available from: Port Kane (137) in Kania (128)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Trading Center
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 0 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
"Okay then," Barry drawls quietly, "first of all, if you bought any medical supplies at Earth, you would sell them here. Now obviously you would want to maximize your profits, so you always want to make a return journey that's profitable. Now, there is nothing on Port Kane that you can sell for much of a profit on Earth, however, you can make some money by buying the lowly priced equipment here and selling it on the planet of New England in the Wolf 359 System, which is just one jump away from the Sol system.
"What do you say," he grins slightly mischievously," we take a trip to New England?"
AvailBits: b9201 & !(b9202 | b9215)
OnAccept: X162
OnRefuse: b9215 S758
OnSuccess: b9202
OnAbort: b9215 S758
OnShipDone: |
Tutorial 4 (632): Head Back to Earth |
Available from: New England (138) in Wolf 359 (162)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Trading Center
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 0 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
"Okay then," he says dismissively, "familiarize yourself with this place, and remember it. There will be times you will want to make some quick credits, so the trade route I just showed you will be useful to you, but it certainly isn't the only one. Also keep your eyes out for special items that are often bought and sold in various trade centers, and you'll see them listed below the bottom of the regular commodities. To those of us who have been around for a while, they're known as 'junks'. It's just a little lingo we use. Some of these junks can make you a fair bit of cash in a single trade, others are just novelty items. Keep an eye out for them, they can make you rich if you're a little lucky.
"Now then," he concludes with a lazy grin, "how about we head back to Earth and I can start you on some of the good stuff? What do you think?"
AvailBits: b9202 & !(b9203 | b9215)
OnRefuse: b9215 S758
OnSuccess: b9203
OnAbort: b9215 S758
OnShipDone: |
Tutorial 5 (633): Head to Rauther |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Rauther (191) in Rautherion (166) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Outfitter
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 0 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
"As you can see from the crowd," Barry smiles, indicating the many 'old-salts' wandering around perusing the various wares on offer, "this is almost a home away from home for most ship captains. The universe can be a harsh place, and anything that gives your ship an edge is a 'must have'.
"For starters," he continues, waving towards the outfits, "you should certainly consider buying a map of the local systems; knowing where you're going saves you a lot of hassles of back-tracking and stuffing around. Other outfits that are often 'must-haves' are the battery pack and the solar panels, as you can never have enough stored energy, and when you run out of energy, your solar panels quickly become a life-saver.
"Many pilots," he adds, indicating some software upgrades being hawked off to your left, "also find modifying their sensor software very helpful, especially the 'Gravimetric Sensors', 'IFF Decoder' and 'Auto Recharger' upgrades. The first allows you to gain a better picture of the size of ships around you, the second will show you whether or not surrounding ships, planets and stations are friendly towards you or not and the last means you don't have to remember to refuel, it automatically does it for you.
"As for the rest," he gestures dismissively, "have a look around and see what you like, and what you can afford. Be aware that the Federation government restricts a lot of outfits, either by requiring you to buy a license to get them, or by slapping a military ban on them.
"Incidentally," he finishes quietly, "don't think that this list of outfits is the be-all and end-all. Earth and the Kane Band do offer a fair range of services, but they certainly don't offer you everything. If you're willing, I could show you another planet that offers you a fair number of different outfits. What do you say?"
AvailBits: b9203 & !(b9204 | b9215)
OnAccept: X166
OnRefuse: b9215 S758
OnSuccess: b9204
OnAbort: b9215 S758
OnShipDone: |
Tutorial 6 (754): Shoot down Derelict |
Available from: Rauther (191) in Rautherion (166)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Viking (157) in Tichel (129) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 0 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You walk into this establishment a little nervously and look around uncertainly until you spot Barry having a drink up the far end of the bar chatting to a man wearing dirty overalls.
"Hey there {G"m'boy" "lass"}," Barry greets you jovially after the other guy stands up and leaves, smiling and nodding at you as he passes. "How did things go in the outfitters?"
You shrug, trying to look casual, and Barry chuckles.
"You're getting the hang of this starship captain business pretty quickly," he smiles. "Well, this is the spaceport bar. There's one in just about every port throughout the universe. A lot of back-room business comes through here, and you'll find that a lot of people looking for a ship captain to help them out will tend to come here, so it isn't a bad idea to drop into one every time you land. You can also check up on the news, and if you want to hire an escort to boost your profits on trade runs, this is the place to be. If you're into gambling, you can do that too, but myself personally, I've never put much stock in it. Let's face it, if the establishment wasn't making money from the gambling setup they have, they wouldn't be trying to get people to put their money into it.
"Anyway," he concludes dryly, "I can't show you much more here. The more you visit, the more you'll learn. So instead of having you just ferrying me around the place, how about we get you into the combat stuff?"
AvailBits: b9204 & !(b9205 | b9215)
OnAccept: S755 b9208
OnRefuse: b9215 S758
OnSuccess: b9205 !b9208
OnAbort: b9215 A755 S758 !b9208
OnShipDone: |
Tutorial 7 (756): Return to Earth |
Available from: Viking (157) in Tichel (129)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Shipyard
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 0 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text
"Well, this is the shipyard," comments Barry quietly. "It doesn't get as much foot-traffic as the outfitters, but most ship captains wish they could spend their money here more often.
"On the surface," he explains quietly, "it looks simple. If you want a better ship, you go and buy it, but it isn't always so straightforward. You see, ships aren't always available, what with shipping delays, and all that. So sometimes the ship you're looking for might not be around. And then you have the second-hand ships that other captains are trying to sell to you. Be very careful of any cheap second-hand ships, as they tend to be nowhere near as good as those that are brand new. Having said that, there are some very good second-hand deals out there, ships that due to careful maintenance, and clever upgrades, are far more capable than anything you would buy 'off the shelf' so to speak, so don't discount second-hand ships altogether.
"A good place to start," he comments a little tiredly, "is by upgrading from the Shuttle to the Heavy Shuttle. It's nearly as capable in space, and it carries more energy, which allows you to jump further, and also a fair bit more cargo and weapon space.
"Again," he continues off-handedly, "like the outfits, the Federation puts certain limits on the availability of various ships. Some require you get ahold of a license, others are only available with individual military approval. Regardless, before you buy any ship, make sure you check out all the information on every ship you are looking at before you make your decision."
AvailBits: b9205 & !(b9206 | b9215)
OnSuccess: b9206
OnAbort: b9215 S758
OnShipDone: |
On Success
On Abort
Tutorial 8 (757): Ferry Barry to Dunroamin |
Available from: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Dunroamin (209) in Journey's End (187) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 0 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
Offer Text To: [Player Name]
From: Barry Fletcher
As you know, I'm looking for passage to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system, and I thought I would do it in a way that would show you how the Mission BBS works.
AvailBits: b9206 & !(b9207 | b9215)
OnAccept: X187
OnSuccess: b9207 !b8339
OnAbort: b9215 !b8339
OnShipDone: |
Tutorial 9 (758): Take Barry to Dunroamin |
Available from: Any Inhabited Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Dunroamin (209) in Journey's End (187) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 0%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 0 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: N/A
Pay Value: N/A
Comp Govt.: N/A
Comp Legal Reward: N/A |
Notes: |
AvailBits: b9215 & !b9216
OnAccept: X187
OnSuccess: b9216 !b8339
OnAbort: b9215 !b8339
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 1 (504): United Shipping Intro |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 30%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 2 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 10000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As you step out of your hatch you are approached by a woman wearing a blue-black uniform.
"You are [Player Name], Captain of the [Ship Name]?" she asks quietly and you nod, curious. "I am Samantha Virana and I'm a representative for the courier company United Shipping. We specialize in moving around small valuable cargoes like jewelry, business papers and contracts, etc. We have recently been on the look out for new pilots who would be willing to work for us. Are you interested?"
AvailBits: !(b9 | b8444) & !((b8338 | b8339) | b424)
OnRefuse: b8444 b6666
OnSuccess: b9 K145
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 1a (505-516): Un. Shipping Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 8% - 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 - 2 tons |
Time Limit: 20 - 25 days
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 10000 - 100000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 1 - 2 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
A client wants us to pick up a package of [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] on [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system and deliver it to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system by [Time Limit]. Payment will be 10000 credits.
AvailBits: b9 & !b424
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 2 (517): Ferry United Shipping Negotiator |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Aurora (338) in Aurora (315) |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 4
Combat Rating: 350
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 50000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 5 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As you sit, sipping your drink you notice out of the corner of your eye a familiar blue-black flash. You turn to see Samantha Virana making her way over to you.
"Hello again, Captain [Player Name]," she greets you with a smile and a handshake. "It seems that you have done fairly well for yourself since we last met."
You shrug your shoulders, slightly embarrassed by the praise.
"Anyway," she continues after sitting down, "the head office is looking to expand into the Auroran Empire which would be an enormous business coup if they could. They need someone competent and trustworthy to help them out. That's where you come in. Interested?"
AvailBits: (b9 & !b424) & !(b10 | b9501)
OnRefuse: b9501
OnSuccess: b10
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 3 (518): Un. Shipping Delivery |
Available from: Aurora (338) in Aurora (315)
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: Random Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöb |
Ship Location: Player Location |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 350
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 tons |
Time Limit: 70 days
Pay Type: Clean Record
Pay Value: Auroran Empire (129) and Allies
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 5 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You see a slightly apprehensive-looking Samantha when you step into the bar. She looks slightly relieved to see you and waves you over to where she is sitting.
"I'm glad you dropped by when you did," she tells you with a slightly nervous smile. "The Aurorans have agreed to let us conduct a trial run. If we succeed in making it, we can start operations here. If we don't, then we will be expelled from the Empire.
"Are you willing to take the trial delivery?" she asks hesitantly.
AvailBits: b10 & !(b12 | b424)
OnAccept: b14
OnRefuse: b12
OnSuccess: b11 b12
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 3a (520): Return With Samantha |
Available from: Aurora (338) in Aurora (315)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 350
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 20000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 0 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
After a few hours of waiting you finally see a forlorn-looking Samantha walk into the bar.
"I need to get back to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system to make my report to the head office," she tells you simply. "The pay will be 20000 credits, interested?"
AvailBits: b12 & !(b14 | b424)
OnSuccess: b14
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 4 (519): Return With Samantha |
Available from: Aurora (338) in Aurora (315)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Earth (128) in Sol (130) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 100%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 350
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 tons |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 100000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 10 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As soon as you enter this establishment you see the blue-black uniform of Samantha sitting not far from the door and you make your way over.
"You did it!" she exclaims when she sees you. "Oh, I'm so glad!"
You wave it away, saying it was nothing.
"It was not!" she waggles her finger at you. "And you know it.
"Anyway," she continues in a slightly calmer tone, "now that we have gotten the go ahead to start working in the Auroran Empire, my work here is done and I need a lift home. Any chance I could get a lift?"
AvailBits: b11 & !(b13 | b424)
OnSuccess: b15 b13
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 4a (521-532): Un. Shipping Delivery |
Available from: Random Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöb
Travel to: Random Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöb
Return to: Random Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöb |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 4% - 40%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 - 2 tons |
Time Limit: 40 - 50 days
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 10000 - 100000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 1 - 2 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
A client wants us to pick up a package of [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] on [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system and deliver it to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system by [Time Limit]. Payment will be 10000 credits.
AvailBits: b15 & !b424
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 4b (533): Un. Shipping Long Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Helen (194) in Eeniar (169)
Return to: Random Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöb |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Bar
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 200
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 2 tons |
Time Limit: 50 days
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 100000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 5 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
As you quietly sip your drink you recognize the blue-black uniform of Sean Clarke as he walks into the bar and makes his way over.
"I have a business proposition for you," he begins without preamble. "United Shipping is going to be test-running a new type of delivery and we want you to be one of the first to try it out.
"The money is good, but," he warns seriously, "there may be a little danger involved. Are you interested?"
AvailBits: b15 & !(b16 | b424)
OnSuccess: b16
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 4b (534-538): Un. Shipping Long Delivery |
Available from: See Notes
Travel to: See Notes
Return to: See Notes |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 5% - 10%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 200
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 - 5 tons |
Time Limit: 50 - 65 days
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 100000 - 500000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 3 - 5 |
Notes: Repeating mission. "Available from", "Travel to" and "Return to" locations include various combinations of Random Federation Gövt (128) and Auroran Empire Gövt (129) Spöbs with a special focus on Helen (194) in Eeniar (169) as a "Travel to" destination. |
Offer Text
A client wants us to pick up [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] from [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system and deliver it to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system by [Time Limit]. Payment will be 100000 credits.
AvailBits: b16 & !b424
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 5 (577): Open Talks With United Shipping |
Available from: Tre'ar Pira (261) in Tre'pirana (242)
Travel to: Earth (128) in Sol (130)
Return to: Tre'ar Pira (261) in Tre'pirana (242) |
Ship Location: Sol (130) |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Trading Center
Random: 45%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 0
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: None |
Time Limit: N/A
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 15000
Comp Govt.: Polaris (130)
Comp Legal Reward: 2 |
Notes: Must have completed Polaris 23 for this mission to be available. |
Offer Text
As soon as you enter the trade center you are approached by a man wearing the white utility garment favored by most members of the Tre'pira.
"Ory'hara?" asks the worker caste member respectfully in the Polaris tongue and you nod after bowing deeply. "I am glad to make your acquaintance, I am Tre'Nerida a logistics adviser for the Tre'pira, and I was wondering if you would be interested in talking to the Federation company 'United Shipping' regarding opening official trade ties?"
AvailBits: (b16 & b297) & !(b1500 | b424)
OnSuccess: b1500
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 6 (578): Un. Shipping Long Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Helen (194) in Eeniar (169)
Return to: Tre'ar Zalom (227) in Tri'niphu (212) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 10%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 200
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 5 tons |
Time Limit: 40 days
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 100000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 3 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
A client wants us to pick up [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] from [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system and deliver it to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system by [Time Limit]. Payment will be 100000 credits.
AvailBits: b1500 & !(b1501 | b424)
OnAccept: b1501
OnAbort: !b1501
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 6a (579-580): Un. Shipping Long Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: Tre'ar Zalom (227) in Tri'niphu (212) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 20%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 200
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 - 2 tons |
Time Limit: 50 days
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 100000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 3 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
A client wants us to pick up [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] from [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system and deliver it to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system by [Time Limit]. Payment will be 100000 credits.
AvailBits: b1501 & !(b1502 | b424)
OnShipDone: |
On Accept
United Shipping 7 (581): Un. Shipping Long Delivery |
Available from: Tre'ar Zalom (227) in Tri'niphu (212)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Main Spaceport
Random: 50%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 200
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 2 tons |
Time Limit: 50 days
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 100000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 3 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
You can sense an elated Samantha waiting for you as you pilot your way down through the atmosphere.
"Greetings again Ory'hara," she greets you quietly after bowing respectfully. "The Polaris are now ready to begin returning the trade to the Federation, are you interested in helping out?"
AvailBits: b1501 & !(b1502 | b424)
OnSuccess: b1502
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 7a (582-585): Un. Shipping Long Delivery |
Available from: Tre'ar Zalom (448) in Tri'niphu (657)
Travel to: N/A
Return to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 45%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 200
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 2 tons |
Time Limit: 50 days
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 100000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 3 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
A client wants us to deliver [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system by [Time Limit]. Payment will be 100000 credits.
AvailBits: b1502 & !b424
OnShipDone: |
United Shipping 7b (586-589): Un. Shipping Long Delivery |
Available from: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Travel to: Random Federation Gövt (128) Spöb
Return to: Tre'ar Zalom (448) in Tri'niphu (657) |
Ship Location: N/A |
Ship Goal: N/A |
Location: Mission Computer
Random: 20%
Legal Record: 0
Combat Rating: 200
Ship Type: Any
Cargo: 1 - 5 tons |
Time Limit: 50 days
Pay Type: Credits
Pay Value: 100000
Comp Govt.: United Shipping (166)
Comp Legal Reward: 3 |
Notes: |
Offer Text
A client wants us to pick up [Cargo Quantity] tons of [Cargo Type] from [Travel Stellar] in the [Travel System] system and deliver it to [Return Stellar] in the [Return System] system by [Time Limit]. Payment will be 100000 credits.
AvailBits: b1502 & !b424
OnShipDone: |
Mission text and certain other data copyright © 2001-2003 ATMOS and Ambrosia Software, Inc. Used with permission.
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